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Latar belakang: Keluarga berisiko tertular infeksi yang didapat dirumah sakit karena paparan agen infeksi yang berulang dan kebersihan tangan yang buruk. Selain itu praktik kepatuhan cuci tangan keluarga yang buruk akan memudahkan transmisi kuman pada pasien. Pendidikan kesehatan sebagai langkah awal diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan keluarga dalam cuci tangan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terkait cuci tangan terhadap kepatuhan kelurga dalam 5 moments cuci tangan di rumah sakit. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy experiment with control group pada dua kelompok yaitu kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Penilaian dilakukan dengan sistem observasi checklist untuk menilai kepatuhan keluarga. Teknik sampling dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Sebanyak 37 sampel pada tiap-tiap kelompok dilakukan pada ruang rawat anak disebuah rumah sakit daerah di Sumatera Barat pada tahun 2018. Hasil: Analisis uji bivariate menggunakan Uji Mann-Whitney menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pemberian edukasi kesehatan terhadap kepatuhan keluarga dalam 5 moments cuci tangan, p value 0.0001 (≤ 0.05). Pendidikan kesehatan dapat terus dioptimalkan untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan keluarga dalam menjaga kebersihan tangan.
Article Details
- Ayed, A., Eqtait, M., & Fashafsheh, I. (2015). Knowledge & compliance of nursing staff towards standard. Advances in Life Science and Technology, 36, 21-31.
- Darby, J., & Falco, C. (2019). Infection Control and the Need for Family-/Child-Centered Care. In Healthcare-Associated Infections in Children (pp. 57-79).
- de Kraker, M. E. A., Tartari, E.,Twyman, A., Francioli, L.A., Cassini, A., Allegranza, B & Pittet, D. (2022). Implementation of hand hygiene in health-care facilities: results from the WHO Hand Hygiene Self-Assessment Framework globa; survey 2019. Lancet Infection 22, 835-844. doi: S1473-3099(21)00618-6
- Engdaw, G. T., Gebrehiwot, M., & Andualem, Z. (2019). Hand hygiene compliance and associated factors among health care providers in Central Gondar zone public primary hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control, 8, 190. doi:10.1186/s13756-019-0634-z
- Fereiduni, Z., Sarvestani, R. S., Hariri, G., Kuhpaye, S.A.,Amirkhani, M , & & Kalyani, M. N. (2018). Moving Into Action The Master Key to Patient Education.pdf. The Journal of Nursing Research.
- Ferreira L.L., Azevedo L.M.N., Salvador P.T.C.O., Morais S.H.M., Paiva R.M., & V.E.P., S. (2019). Nursing care in healthcare-associated infections: a scoping
- review. Rev Bras Enferm, 2(72), 498-505. doi:
- Fry, H., & Ketteridge, S., & Marshall, S. (2009). A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education (3rd ed.). New York: NY: Routledge.
- Islam MS., Luby S.P., Sultana R., Rimi N.A., Zaman R.U, & M., U. (2014). Family caregivers in public tertiary care hospitals in Bangladesh: risks and opportunities for infection control. Am J Infect Control 3(42), 305-310. doi:
- Mohiuddin. (2019). Patient education steps towards compliance. Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Research 6(5). doi:10.19080/JPCR.2019.06.555700 10.19080/JPCR.2019.06.555700
- Musu, M., Mereu, N. M., Galletta, M., Campagna, M., Tidore, m., Piazza, M. F., . . . & Coppola, R. C. (2017). Assessing hand hygiene compliance among healthcare. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene 58(3), E231-E237.
- Oermann, M. H., Harris, C. H., & & Dammeyer, J. A. (2001). Teaching by the nurse: How important is it to patients? Applied Nursing Research 14(1), 11-17. doi:
- Oliveira HM., Silva C.P.R, & R.A, L. (2016). Policies for control and prevention of infections related to healthcare assistance in Brazil: a conceptual analysis. Rev Esc Enferm 3(50), 502-508. doi:
- Pan, S. C., Sheng, W. H., Tien, K. L., Chien, K. T., Chen, Y. C., & Chang, S. C. (2016). Promoting a Hand Hygiene Program Using Social Media: An Observational Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill, 2(1), e5. doi:10.2196/public health.5101
- Picheansathian W., Pearson A., & Suchaxaya, P. (2008). The effectiveness of a promotion program on hand
- hygiene compliance and nosocomial infections in a neonatal intensive care unit International Journal of Nursing Practice 4(14), 315-321.
- Sanitária, A. N. d. V. (2017). Pacientes pela segurança do paciente em serviços de saúde: Como posso contribuir para aumentara segurança do paciente? orientações aos pacientes, familiares e acompanhantes. Brasilia: Anvisa.
- Satiti, A., Frisca, S., & & Nurjanah, V. (2019). Relationship between handwashing education to knowledge, attitudes, capabilities at X Palembang Hospital. Jurnal Kesehatan Saelmakers Perdana 2(2), 186-195.
- Scheurmann, G., Lemonious, T., Nair, J., Carpio, R. D. D., Qiao, H., Wrotniak, B. H., & Gómez-Duarte, O. (2021). Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at a Regional Children’s Hospital. Archives of Pediatrics. doi:10.29011/2575-825x.100193
- Seyedin, H., Goharinezhad, S., Vatankhah, S., & & Azmal, M. (2015). Patient education process in teaching hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Medical Journal of Islamic Republic of Iran 29.
- Siegel, J. D., & & Grossman, L. (2008). Pediatric Infection Prevention Control. In Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Disease. Pennsylvania: Elsevier.
- Talaat E, & Shamia, E. (2010). Developing a control action plan for infection prevention at the endoscopy unit. Journal of International Academic Research 2(4), 412-420.
- WHO. (2009a). WHO Guidelines for hand hygiene in health care. Retrieved from WHO Guidelines for hand hygiene in health care
- WHO. (2009b). WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care Is Safer Care. Geneva.
Ayed, A., Eqtait, M., & Fashafsheh, I. (2015). Knowledge & compliance of nursing staff towards standard. Advances in Life Science and Technology, 36, 21-31.
Darby, J., & Falco, C. (2019). Infection Control and the Need for Family-/Child-Centered Care. In Healthcare-Associated Infections in Children (pp. 57-79).
de Kraker, M. E. A., Tartari, E.,Twyman, A., Francioli, L.A., Cassini, A., Allegranza, B & Pittet, D. (2022). Implementation of hand hygiene in health-care facilities: results from the WHO Hand Hygiene Self-Assessment Framework globa; survey 2019. Lancet Infection 22, 835-844. doi: S1473-3099(21)00618-6
Engdaw, G. T., Gebrehiwot, M., & Andualem, Z. (2019). Hand hygiene compliance and associated factors among health care providers in Central Gondar zone public primary hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control, 8, 190. doi:10.1186/s13756-019-0634-z
Fereiduni, Z., Sarvestani, R. S., Hariri, G., Kuhpaye, S.A.,Amirkhani, M , & & Kalyani, M. N. (2018). Moving Into Action The Master Key to Patient Education.pdf. The Journal of Nursing Research.
Ferreira L.L., Azevedo L.M.N., Salvador P.T.C.O., Morais S.H.M., Paiva R.M., & V.E.P., S. (2019). Nursing care in healthcare-associated infections: a scoping
review. Rev Bras Enferm, 2(72), 498-505. doi:
Fry, H., & Ketteridge, S., & Marshall, S. (2009). A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education (3rd ed.). New York: NY: Routledge.
Islam MS., Luby S.P., Sultana R., Rimi N.A., Zaman R.U, & M., U. (2014). Family caregivers in public tertiary care hospitals in Bangladesh: risks and opportunities for infection control. Am J Infect Control 3(42), 305-310. doi:
Mohiuddin. (2019). Patient education steps towards compliance. Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Research 6(5). doi:10.19080/JPCR.2019.06.555700 10.19080/JPCR.2019.06.555700
Musu, M., Mereu, N. M., Galletta, M., Campagna, M., Tidore, m., Piazza, M. F., . . . & Coppola, R. C. (2017). Assessing hand hygiene compliance among healthcare. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene 58(3), E231-E237.
Oermann, M. H., Harris, C. H., & & Dammeyer, J. A. (2001). Teaching by the nurse: How important is it to patients? Applied Nursing Research 14(1), 11-17. doi:
Oliveira HM., Silva C.P.R, & R.A, L. (2016). Policies for control and prevention of infections related to healthcare assistance in Brazil: a conceptual analysis. Rev Esc Enferm 3(50), 502-508. doi:
Pan, S. C., Sheng, W. H., Tien, K. L., Chien, K. T., Chen, Y. C., & Chang, S. C. (2016). Promoting a Hand Hygiene Program Using Social Media: An Observational Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill, 2(1), e5. doi:10.2196/public health.5101
Picheansathian W., Pearson A., & Suchaxaya, P. (2008). The effectiveness of a promotion program on hand
hygiene compliance and nosocomial infections in a neonatal intensive care unit International Journal of Nursing Practice 4(14), 315-321.
Sanitária, A. N. d. V. (2017). Pacientes pela segurança do paciente em serviços de saúde: Como posso contribuir para aumentara segurança do paciente? orientações aos pacientes, familiares e acompanhantes. Brasilia: Anvisa.
Satiti, A., Frisca, S., & & Nurjanah, V. (2019). Relationship between handwashing education to knowledge, attitudes, capabilities at X Palembang Hospital. Jurnal Kesehatan Saelmakers Perdana 2(2), 186-195.
Scheurmann, G., Lemonious, T., Nair, J., Carpio, R. D. D., Qiao, H., Wrotniak, B. H., & Gómez-Duarte, O. (2021). Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at a Regional Children’s Hospital. Archives of Pediatrics. doi:10.29011/2575-825x.100193
Seyedin, H., Goharinezhad, S., Vatankhah, S., & & Azmal, M. (2015). Patient education process in teaching hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Medical Journal of Islamic Republic of Iran 29.
Siegel, J. D., & & Grossman, L. (2008). Pediatric Infection Prevention Control. In Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Disease. Pennsylvania: Elsevier.
Talaat E, & Shamia, E. (2010). Developing a control action plan for infection prevention at the endoscopy unit. Journal of International Academic Research 2(4), 412-420.
WHO. (2009a). WHO Guidelines for hand hygiene in health care. Retrieved from WHO Guidelines for hand hygiene in health care
WHO. (2009b). WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care Is Safer Care. Geneva.